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cuticle is the outermost substance, which is associated with tangle problem of cheap wigs

'GoJelly – a gelatinous solution to plastic pollution' is a Eu H2020 funded project where we will use jellyfish as source of innovative solutions to combat marine litter.

Final GoJelly Conference

Main conference event:

2. December 2021 at 9.00 – 16.20 CET
Location Scandic Kødbyen, Skelbækgade 3A 1717 Copenhagen V.

09.00 - 10.00 Setting the scene
– chaired by Dr. Jamileh Javidpour, University of Southern Denmark

Welcome & house rules & SLIDO – Dr. Tanya Warnaars, ESF, France

Sli.Do Q&A; and survey - Efthalia Arvaniti s.Pro- sustainable project.GmbH, Germany

Welcome from GoJelly project coordinator: agenda, expectation for the day - Dr. Jamileh Javidpour, University of Southern Denmark

Neglected sources in marine biotechnology – Prof. Deniz Tasdemir, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

Q&A; session

10.00–11.10Session 1: Jelly fish supply chains and Ocean Literacy
- chaired by Dr. Carlos Andrade, ARDITTI, Portugal

Sustainable Jellyfish fisheries by Dr. Dori Edelist, University of Haifa, Israel

Tracking Jellyfish Blooms, Dr. Jamileh Javidpour, University of Southern Denmark

Novel approach of Jellyfish aquaculture by Dr. Sonia Gueroun, ARDITI, Portugal

Jellyfish Ocean Literacy: children book & games by Dr. Jörn Schmidt, ICES, Denmark

Company pitching #1: JellyfishFarm by Alexander Dressler, Germany
Joint Q&A; session with SLIDO

11.10 - 11.40 Coffee break & Demonstration & poster presentation; conference photo, game, children’s book reading

11.40 - 12.40 Session 2 on jellyfish- based cosmetics, food & nutraceuticals
- chaired by Antonella Leone, CNR, Italy

Jellyfish cosmetics by Peter Krost, CRM, Germany

Jellyfish nutraceuticals by Stefania De Domenico CNR, Italy

Future of jellyfish food processing by Antonella Leone, CNR, Italy

Application of jellyfish collagen in tissue engineering, Dr. Judith Sewing, University of Lübeck, Germany

Joint Q&A; session with SLIDO

12.40- 14.10Lunch break, combined with jellyfish food show- cooking demo with Italian chef Fabiano Viva, supported by culinary science talk by Antonella Leone, CNR, Italy

14.10 - 15.20 Session 3: JF- based applications in Agriculture, Feed, Waste Water Treatment filtration
- chaired by Nicole Aberle- Malzahn, NTNU, Norway

Jellyfish, eelgrass and algae from the Baltic Sea - Perspectives for use as fertilizer for agriculture and gardening by Steffen Aldag, Hanseatische Umwelt, Germany

Jellyfeeds: contribution for European Blue Farming by Dr. Natacha Nogueira, ARDITI, Portugal

Innovative MP/NP filter device by Prof. Isam Sabbah, Braude College, Israel

Micro/nano- plastic filtration: regulation and incentivization of wastewater treatment innovation – Dr. Shirra Freeman, University of Haifa, Israel

Company pitching # 2: NOFIMA by Dr. Bente Torstensen, Norway

Join Q&A; session with SLIDO

15.20 - 16.20 Closing session

- chaired by Dr.Tanya Warnaars, ESF, France
Session panel Discussion on take home messages,
- moderated by Dr. Efthalia Arvaniti, SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth, Germany (w. SLIDO)

1.Dr. Mafalda Freitas, Managing director, Marine Biological Station of Funchal, Spain
2.Søren Tranberg Hansen, Brainbotics, Denmark
3.Dr. Holger Kuehnhold Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Germany
4.Maris Stulgis, Policy officer Blue Bioeconomy, EU COM DG MARE, Belgium
Closing remarks and next steps by Dr. Jamileh Javidpour, University of Southern Denmark
20 minutes

16.20 - 17.00 Grab a goodbye social drink!


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  • Learn about GoJelly through videos

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  • Online launch of new socio-ecological strategy game “GoJelly”

    Online launch of new socio-ecological strategy game “GoJelly”

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